
2024 Announcements

We are CLOSED on Monday, 4/15/24, Patriots Day.

For basket class inquiries, please read the FAQ under "Our Classes," and also sign up for the newsletter, which will let you know when the next month's class schedule will be posted.

The team at GrayMist


Welcome to GrayMist Studio & Shop, where we are passionate about our work and enjoy making and sharing beautiful gifts. That’s what drives us every day, and without that passion, we wouldn’t succeed. Please join us in our mission to support small, privately owned businesses first. Help us weave the growth and opportunities that every small business creates into the community.

News & Events

Beehive Handmade Pop-up! April 27-28

Rooted in the traditions of New England pewter-smithing and American studio craft, Beehive Handmade has been making meaningful, heirloom-quality gifts for family, customers, and friends for the past 25 years.

We're so excited to host a pop-up with Beehive on April 27-28. Mark your...

Upcoming Beginner Kintsugi Workshops

Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery. Kintsugi treats breakage as part of the history of an object, and something to highlight, rather than disguise. Our instructor will teach you how to take a broken dish (provided) and bring it new life and beauty! 

Max. 5 students (...

Mizuhiki Bookmark Workshops

Mizuhiki is a Japanese craft with a history spanning over 1300 years. It involves crafting knots using colored cords. In this workshop, you'll be introduced to the Plum knot. If you have a passion for handcrafts or are looking to explore Japanese culture, you'll find both in the tradition of...

POP-UP with Steeped In Grace | 4/6 & 4/7

Elizabeth, the founder and owner of Steeped In Grace, is a certified clinical herbalist and master gardener based in Lincoln, MA. She creates delicious immune-boosting elixirs, digestive tonics, body oils and herbal teas, all made with organic plants grown in her lush local gardens.



Steeped In Grace pop-up | April 6-7

Mizuhiki Bookmark Workshops | April 8 & 9

Beehive Handmade pop-up | April 27-28

Ko-Kyoto pop-up | May 4-11

Kintsugi Beginner Workshop | May 14

Check back for more updates!